Publications 11

Title: A staffe of comfort to stay the weake from falling very needfull for the afflicted. By Richard Bernard, preacher of Gods word; at Batcombe in Somersetshire. Art thou any way tempted, or troubled? reade, beleeue, and reioyce.
Imprint: London: Printed by Felix Kyngston, for Iohn Budge, and are to be sold at his shop, at the South doore of St. Pauls Church, 1616.
Date: 1616
Pages: [12], 250 p.
Copy from: Folger Shakespeare Library
The work is preceded by a 10 page dedication 'To the worshipful his good Christian friends, Mr James Bisse, and Mr Edward Bisse, Esquires: with his very kinde welwisher, Mr Robert Grove. To his loving and assured friends, Master John Bernard, and Mr Edward Bernard, both of Downside, loving brethren, constant in unity.'
James and Edward Bisse were brothers to Dr Philip Bisse, Archdeacon of Taunton, who was Bernard's predecesor at Batcombe. He 'purchased the advowson of Batcombe for one turn' and presented the living to Bernard in November 1613. Robert Grove (1634-96) was a prebendary of St Paul's and later Bishop of Chichester (1691). John Bernard is probably Bernard's father and Edward, his brother.

Publications 10

Title: Dauids musick: or Psalmes of that royall prophet, once the sweete singer of that Israel vnfolded logically, expounded paraphrastically, and then followeth a more particular explanation of the words, with manifold doctrines and vses briefly obserued out of the same. By R.B. and R.A. preachers of Gods word in Somersetshire. Zech 4:10 Who hath despised, etc. Also an inscription in Latin. Other author: Richard Alleine Sr (d c 1655) Imprint: At London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, 1616. Date: 1616 Pages: [8], 124 p. Notes: R.B. = Richard Bernard; R.A. = Richard Alleine (Senior not Junior) Actually covers only Psalms 1-3. Another issue of the edition with E. Weaver's name in the imprint. Copy from: Cambridge University Library. Also one in Folger Shakespeare Library.
Richard Alleine ministered for 50 years at Ditcheat, not far from Batcombe. The work is preceded by a six page epistle to the Christian reader.
There is also a short preface before the work on Psalms 1-3.


Publications 09

Title: Two twinnes: or Two parts of one portion of scripture. I. Is of catechising. II. Of the ministers maintenance. By Richard Barnard, preacher of the word of worship in Nottinghamshire. 1 Peter 5:2 Feed the flock, etc 1 Cor 9:11 If we sow unto you, etc.
Imprint: London: Printed [by T. Snodham] for George Norton, and are to be sould at his shop neare Temple-barre, 1613.
Date: 1613
No. pages: [4], 51, [1] p.
Copy from: Bodleian Library
The work is preceded by a two page dedication 'To his right worthy, much beloved and singularly approved good friend, Master James Riley'. Who Riley was we do not know. The text for the two sermons is Galatians 6:6.


Publications 08

Title: Plaine euidences The Church of England is apostolicall, the separation schismaticall. Directed against Mr. Ainsworth the Separatist, and Mr. Smith the Se-baptist: both of them seuerally opposing the booke called the Separatists schisme. By Richard Bernard, preacher of the word of God at Worsop. For truth and peace, by any indifferent judgement. Prov 24:21 My son, fear the Lord, etc Prov 24:27 Turn not to the right hand, etc. Set out by authoritie. Anno. 1610.
Imprint: [London]: Printed by T. Snodham for Edward Weauer, and William Welby, and are to be sould at their shops in Paules Church-yard, [1610]
Date: 1610
No. pages: [16], 338, [4] p.
Copy from: Emmanuel College (University of Cambridge) Library
The work is preceded by eight pages of Latin and a five and a half page preface in English. At the end of the work there is a three page index of topics and a one page index of texts. This book continues an argument in print begun with a previous work by Bernard. See here


Shorter Catechism - Redemption 1

Of man's redemption

Q. What are you in this case to do?
A. To cry unto God for mercy and seek for deliverance Lk 15;17, Ps 51:1, 2, etc

Q. Are you of yourself able, or is there any good in you to move God, to set you free?
A. No indeed, Rom 3:10, 7:18, Lk 17:10, 2 Cor 4:4, Eph 2:8,9

Q. Then who doth redeem you?
A. Only Jesus Christ Rom 7:25, 2 Cor 5:21, Rom 5:19, Gal 2:20, 3:13

Q. What is Jesus Christ?
A. He is the eternal Son of God, Mt 17:5, Heb 1:23, a king to govern us Ps 2:6, Mt 28:18 a priest to offer for us Ps 110:4 and a prophet to teach us, Dt 18:18, Isa 61:1, Mt 17:5

Q. What believe you concerning him in the articles of the creed?
A. I do believe that he was conceived by the Holy Ghost, etc.

Q. What is this to you?
A. I do persuade myself hereby, that his purity is for my corruption, his obedience for my transgression, his death for my debt and his ascension for my eternal salvation. 1 Cor 1:30, Phil 3:20

Publications 07

Title: Contemplative pictures with wholesome precepts. The first part: Of God. Of the diuell. Of goodnesse. Of badnesse. Of heauen: and of hell. By Richard Bernard.
Imprint: London: Printed by William Hall for William Welbie, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Svvan, 1610.
Date: 1610
No. pages: [22], 134+ p.
Notes: Leaf A8 is a blank; Imperfect; all after page 34 lacking.
Copy from: Emmanuel College (University of Cambridge) Library
The work is preceded by a 17 page dedication 'To the right honorable Edmund Lord Sheffield, Knight of the most noble order of the garter, Lord President of his majesty's honourable council in the north and his higness' lieutenant there. And to the right honorable that his loving obedient Lady Ursula the Lady Sheffield.' 'To the right worshipful ladies, their honorable issue, the Lady Swift and the Lady Fairfax' dated November 6 and from Worksop. Sheffield appears to have lived 1565-1646 and married Ursula before 1581. He was the third Baron Sheffield and the first Earl Mulgrave. He was an admiral in the navy.


Publications 06

Title: The faithfull shepheard amended and enlarged: with the shepeards practise in preaching annexed thereunto: or his maner of feeding his flocke. Published by Richard Barnerd preacher of God's Word at Worsopp, Nottinghamshire Much in a little: see the contents. 2 Tim 2:15 Study to shew thyself, etc.
Imprint: London: Printed by Arnold Hatfield for Iohn Bill, 1609.
Date: 1609
No. pages: [12], 95, [5], 21, [1] p.
Notes: "The shepheards practise: or his maner of feeding his flocke" has separate pagination and dated title page; register is continuous.
Copy from: Bodleian Library
This is the first expansion of the 1607 work. It is preceded by a two page dedication this time 'to the right reverend father James by the providence of God Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells' and, as before, just over three pages 'to his brethren of the ministry, and the beloved readers' - the same man as before but now elevated to a bishopric.


Large Catechism 04

Q. What reasons have you to persuade yourself that this Scripture which we hold is the true Word of God and none other?
A. First, from the penmen being many and most of them simple and plain persons who do mutually consent setting down their own faults without partiality.
Secondly, from the matter, above natural men's reach, of man's creation, resurrection, last judgement, and of the Trinity in unity.
Thirdly, from the manner of speaking, peremptorily reproving or allowing without sinister respects.
Fourthly, from the effect, binding conscience, converting men to have even life itself, for God's glory.
Fifthly, the miraculous preservation thereof with punishment of such as seek to overthrow either it or the professors thereof.
Lastly, that it ascribes all glory to God, the main end which it aimeth at.

Q. What means must you use to come to the saving knowledge of this Word?
A. 1. Daily reading
2. Learning the catechism, the grounds of religion
3. Hearing the Word with mind and affection, both read and preached publicly by God’s ministers.
4. Meditation in mind to understand the doctrine gathered and in heart to affect the use made, after I have either read or heard it.
5. Conference by asking superiors and ministers, by reasoning with equals and teaching inferiors, all in reverence and humility, to understand that I know not, to be resolved in that I have forgotten.
6. Continual prayer with practice of it in my particular calling.

Shorter Catechism - Fall

Of mans fall and misery

Q. Are you now such a one by birth, as he was by creation?
A. Alas no: I am by nature full of sin, Ps 51:5, Job 25:4-6, Rom 3:9-19 and so most miserable, Job 14:1, 2, Rom 5:14, Eph 2:1-3, Rom 3:23, 2:8, 9 and to God detestable, Ps 11:5, Gal 3:10, Mt 7:23, 25:41.

Q. What is sin?
A. The breaking of God’s commandments, by thought, word or deed, 1 Jn 3:4

Q. How many commandments are there?
A. Ten Dt 10:4 divided into two tables Dt 4:13

Q. Which be the commandments?
A. I am the Lord thy God, etc. Ex 20, Dt 5,6

Q. Do these ten command or forbid but only what is there set down in them?
A. No, they command or forbid all the kinds contained under the same thing mentioned and all the causes with occasions thereunto, 1 Jn 3:15, Mt 5:28, 32

Q. Are they a prayer?
A. No, nor so to be used: they are a rule for me to live after and to teach me my duty to God and my neighbour. Dt 6, 31:12, Ps 119:105, Ecc 12:13, Mt 22:37, 39

Q. What is your duty towards God?
A. My duty towards God is to believe in him, to fear him and to love him, etc. 2 Chr 20:20, Ecc 12:13, Mt 22:37

Q. What is your duty towards your neighbour?
A. it is to love my neighbour as myself, etc. Mt 22:39, Rom13:9

Q. Can ye keep the commandments, and not offend God nor your neighbour?
A. No: I break them every day in thought, word and deed, hating both God and my neighbour by nature, Ps 14:1-3, Rom 8:7, 1:30, 2 Cor 3:5, Tit 3:3

Q. What is then now your state, and what deserve you by thus offending God?
A. I am in the state of corruption and do deserve God’s curse, which is eternal destruction of body and soul. Dt 27:26, Mt 25:41, 46, Gal 3:10

Shorter Catechism - Our creation

Of our Creation

Q. Of what did God make man?
A. His body was of dust, the woman's of Adam‘s rib, Gen 2:7

Q. What a one did God make him?
A. Both good. Gen 2:31 holy and righteous Gen 1:26, Eph 4:28, Col 3:9

Q.What was then mans estate and happiness?
A. It was the state of innocence, without sin or misery and to God was he acceptable Gen 1:27, 12:25 & 1:28

Publications 05

Title: The sinners safetie, if heere hee looke for assurance by Richard Barnerd, preacher of Gods Word at Worsop in Nottinghamshire. Col 3:1 If ye then be risen, etc.
Imprint: At London: Printed by H.L. for T.M. and Ionas Man, and are to be sold at his shoppe at the West doore of Paules, 1609.
Date: 1609
No. pages: [6], 100 p.
Notes: Dedication signed: Richard Bernard; Signatures: A4(-A1) B-G8 H2.; Includes marginal notes.
Copy from: Harvard University Library
Teh sermon is on 2 Peter 1:10 and is preceded by a four page dedication 'To the chiefe officers, the gentlemen domesticall attendants and to the rest of the familie of the most Reverend Father, Tobias, Lord Archbishop of Yorke his Grace'. This archbishop is Tobias Matthew (1546-1628). West county born and Oxford educated he became Archbishop, 1606, having been Dean (from 1583) Bishop (from 1595) of Durham.


Publications 04

Title: Christian advertisements and counsels of peace Also disswasions from the separatists schisme, commonly called Brownisme, which is set apart from such truths as they take from vs and other reformed churches, and is nakedly discouered, that so the falsitie thereof may better be discerned, and so iustly condemned and wisely auoided. Published, for the benefit of the humble and godlie louer of the trueth. By Richard Bernard, preacher of Gods word.
Reade (my friend) considerately; expound charitably; and iudge, I pray thee, without partialitie: doe as thou wouldst bee done unto. Philippians 3:16 In that whereunto, etc.
Imprint: At London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, 1608.
Date: 1608
No. pages: [16], 192+ p.
Notes: Answered the same year by Henry Ainsworth (1571-1622?) in Counterpoyson; in 1609 by John Smyth (d 1612) Paralleles, censures, observations Aperteyning: to three several writinges (ie 1. A letter to Bernard from Smyth 2. Bernard's book 3. Ainsworth's book) and in 1610 by John Robinson (1575?-1625) in A iustification of separation (this latter work available online here); Signatures: A-N O4.; Imperfect; all after N8 (page 192) lacking.
Copy from: Emmanuel College (University of Cambridge) Library
The work is preceded by around five pages of dedication 'to the right worshipfull and Christian professors, Sir George Saintpoll Knight, and to that vertuous Ladie Saintpoll, both his singular and ever good Benefactors' and a further five and a half 'to the godly reader'. A contents page reveals that the chief division of the work is between the counsels (1-20) and disswasions (the rest of the book). Lady St Paul is Frances Wray (d 1634) sister of Isabel who was married first to Sir George St Paul of Snarford (c 1562-1613).


Shorter Catechism - God

Q. How many things are needful for you to understand that you know both God and yourself?
A. These 6 things
1. Rightly to conceive of God, what he is by his word and works
2. To understand the creation
3. Man's misery by the fall
4. Our redemption
5. Our sanctification
6. The certainty of our glorification.
Of God
Q. Who made you?
A. God Isa 42:2, Gen 16:27
Q. What a one is God?
A. God is a spirit Jn 4:24; Holy Ex 15:11; Just Ex 34:6 and Merciful Ex 34:7
Q. How many gods are there?
A. But only one God, Dt 6:4 yet three persons, Mt. 3:16, 1 Jn 5:7
Q. Which are the three persons?
A. The Father begetting, the Son the begotten and the Holy Ghost proceeding, 1 Cor 13:13, Mt 28:19 and these three are God, Jn 1:1, 1 Jn 5:7, Acts 5:3.4
Q. Which of these three became man?
A. The second person,Jesus Christ,both God an man, Isa 9:6, Heb 2:17

Contemporaries 7

William Cavendish (1590–1628) was a nobleman, the second Earl of Devonshire and the second son of his namesake the first earl, William Cavendish (1551-1626) and his first wife, Anne Keighley. He was educated by Thomas Hobbes the philosopher, who resided at Chatsworth as his private tutor for many years and accompanied him in a tour through France and Italy before his coming of age. Hobbes says they were friends 20 years and eulogises his learning in the dedication of his translation of Thucydides. Cavendish was admitted to Gray's Inn, 1602 and probably graduated MA from Cambridge before being incorporated at Oxford, 1608. He was knighted, 1609 and married (allegedly against his will) the year before, Christian Bruce (1595–1675), daughter of Edward, Lord Bruce of Kinloss (later a notable royalist). They had three sons - William, the third earl; Charles, an army officer and Henry, who died in youth. His daughter Anne, a well-known patroness of literature, married Robert, Lord Rich, heir of the Earl of Warwick.
Cavendish was after his marriage a leader of court society and an intimate friend of James I. He was MP for Bishop's Castle (1610) and Derbyshire (1614, 1621, 1624-26) and Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire, jointly with his father from 1619 then alone his death. In April 1622 he introduced to audiences with the king ambassadors from the emperor Ferdinand, Venice and the United Provinces. He was a leading member of the Virginia and Somers Island companies, frequently lobbying the crown on their behalf. His role in overseas ventures led, in 1623, to conflict with Robert Rich, Earl of Warwick. A duel was arranged, but prevented by the privy council. In 1625 he was present at Charles I's marriage. Styled Lord Cavendish from 1616, early in 1626 he inherited his father's title and seat in the Lords. There he resisted Buckingham's attempt to interpret a speech of Sir Dudley Digges as treasonous (May 13 1626). His lavish hospitality strained his ample resources in his last years and in 1628 a private act of Parliament enabled him to sell some of the entailed estates in discharge of his debts. His London house was in Bishopsgate (hence the later name Devonshire Square). He died there (from excessive indulgence in good living, it is said) June 1628. He was buried in July in All Saints', Derby.

Large Catechism 03

Q. But can you tell me what are the works of the devil, the world's vanity and the ill motions of the heart?
A. Whatsoever I or any other do think, speak or do against the will of God revealed by his Word.
Q. What has moved you to forsake the devil, the world and the flesh?
A. For that I have learned and do perceive that these three be the only malicious, spiritual, powerful, subtle and continual enemies of my eternal felicity.
Q. What are the other things that your godfathers and godmothers promised for you?
A. That I should believe all the Articles of my Christian faith; and diligently learn God's holy will and commandments and obediently walk in the same all the days of my life.
Q. Where is this will of God to be learned?
A. Not from mine own fantasy or man's wisdom but only out of the Scripture, which is the word written by his prophets and Apostles in the books of the Old and New Testament, which is sufficient to teach us all things necessary that we need to believe for our salvation.

Publications 03

[Worksop priory]
Title: A double catechisme one more large, following the order of the common authorized catechisme, and an exposition thereof: now this second time published: the other shorter for the weaker sort: both set forth for the benefit of Christian friends and wel-willers. By Richard Bernard, Master of Arts, and preacher of Gods word at Worsop in Nottinghamshire. 1 Tim 4:1, 2 I charge thee before God, etc 1 Pet 2:2 As newborn babes, etc
Imprint: Cambridge: Printed by Iohn Legate, 1607.
Date: 1607
No. pages: [6], 43, [1] p.
Notes: A revised version of: Bernard, Richard. A large catechisme. Imperfect; lacking leaves C4-5.
Copy from: Cambridge University Library
The catechisms are preceded by a four page dedication to William Cavendish (1590-1628) son and heir to the right honorable William Lord Cavendish (1552-1626).
This double catechism was reissued with a new title in 1612
Title: Iosuahs godly resolution in conference with Caleb, touching houshold gouernement for well ordering a familie With a twofold catechisme for instruction of youth; the first short, for the weaker sort, set forth in sixe principall points; the latter large for other of greater growth, and followeth the order of the common authorized catechisme, and is an explanation thereof: both set forth for the benefit of his Christian friends and wel-willers. by Richard Bernard preacher of Gods word, at Woorksoppe in Nottingam-shire.
Imprint: Printed at London: By Iohn Legatt, printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge, and are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Crowne by Simon Waterson, 1612.
Date: 1612
No. pages: 96 p.
Notes: In two parts (register is continuous). Part 2 reprints Bernard's "A double catechisme, one more large, following the order of the common authorized catechisme, now this second time published: the other shorter" (STC 1936), a revised version of his "A large catechisme" (STC 1955.5) with the short catechism.; Part 2 caption title reads: The catechisme.
Copy from: Folger Shakespeare Library
A revised and enlarged version appeared twice in 1629 as follows
Title: Iosuahs resolution for the well ordering of his household A two-fold catechisme: one short, the other more large; both for instruction. In the end, certaine rules, for guiding to a holy conuersation. By Richard Bernard, Pastor at Batcombe in Somersetshire.
Imprint: London: Printed by Iohn Legatt, and are to bee sold by Simon Waterson, at the signe of the Crowne in Pauls Church-yard, 1629. Date: 1629 Pages: [6], 105, [1] p. Notes: Another edition, revised and enlarged, of: Josuahs godly resolution in conference with Caleb, touching houshold governement for well ordering a familie.
Copy from: Bodleian Library
This work is preceded by a three and a half page dedication 'To the right and worshipful and worthily honoured Sir Henry Rosewell and Sir John Drake Knights, and to their virtuous adn truly religious ladies'. Rosewell (1590-1656) and Drake were brothers-in-law adn west country Puritans.


Publications 02

Title: The faithfull shepheard the shepheards faithfulnesse: wherein is for the matter largely, but for the maner, in few words, set forth the excellencie and necessitie of the ministerie; a ministers properties and dutie; his entrance into this function and charge; how to begin fitly to instruct his people; catechising and preaching; and a good plaine order and method therein: not so as yet published ... etc, etc. By Richard Bernard, preacher of Gods Word. 2 Tim 2:15 Study to shew yourself, etc.
Imprint: London: Printed by Arnold Hatfield for Iohn Bill, 1607.
Date: 1607
No. pages: [8], 95, [1]
Copy from: Cambridge University Library
The work is preceded by a two page dedication 'to the right worshipful his honorable good friend M. Dr Mountague, Dean of his Majesty's Chapel'. This is James Montague (c 1568-1618). There is also a three page dedication 'to his brethren of the ministry and the beloved readers'.
This is the work that I am slowly aiming to transcribe onto these pages at present. It was later revised and expanded.

Large Catechism 02

Q. What did your Godfathers and Godmothers promise for you?
A. They did promise and avow these things in my name, the first was that I should forsake the devil and his works, the pomps, the vanities of this wicked world, and all the sinful lusts of the flesh.

Q. What were you then bound to them, that you have promised to forsake them?
A. Yea verily by the corruption of my nature I am a bondslave to Satan, prone to all vice, having the seed of all sin in me and a condemner of God and of my neighbour

Q. How can you then forsake them or cease to do all evil, being thus bound and prone unto it?
A. Not by any natural power of myself but only by the grace of God hen it is given unto me.

Q. Are you sure you have forsaken them, are you not deceived?
A. I am not deceived; for I hate unfainedly the works of the devil, the world's vanity, all the ungodly manners of every man; and labour by all good means to love the works of god, to follow the godly and endeavour to kill speedily every ill motion but to cherish the good in my heart, by meditation, vows, fasting and prayer.


Large Catechism 01

Part 1 - Of new birth

Q What is your name?
A Chanaeuel {God is gracious to us.
Benalleuell {Love wholly the Lord with the heart.

Q Who gave you this name?
A My godfathers and my godmothers who with my father brought me to the minister to be baptized and were especial witnesses of the same and sureties to God for me.

Q Why were you baptized?
A That I might be judged a as Christian, here amongst the professors of Christs name & be received to them as a member of Christ, the child of God, and an inheritor of the kingdom of heaven.

Q. Whereby may you now be certaine, that you are such an one indeed?
A. If I do what my godfathers and godmothers promised for me.

Publications 01

Apart from his translation of Terence, Bernard's first publication appears to have been a catechism as follows.
Title: A large catechisme following the order of the common authorized catechisme published for the vse of his Christian friends and welwillers, the inhabitants of Worsopp, Gainsborough, and Epworth by Richard Barnerd, Master of Artes and preacher of Gods Word.
Imprint: [Cambridge, England]: Printed by Iohn Legat, printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge ... and are to be sold at the signe of the Crowne in Pauls Churchyard by Simon Waterson, 1602.
Date: 1602
No. pages: [2], 68 [i.e. 70] p
Notes: Signatures, numerous errors in paging, imperfect: print show-through.
Copy from: Peterhouse (University of Cambridge) Library.
The catechism is in five parts and at the end there is 'A short explanation of the Lord's Prayer, Creed and ten Commandments and sacraments, to bee learned of the ruder sort, made into prayers' and some seven "psalms" (Ps 80 and others on the Queen's majesty, for knowledge of God's Word, for mercy and confession, to live well and on God's goodness to the upright).