A Timeline

1568 11 Apr Born Epworth, Lincolnshire
30 Apr Baptised at Epworth

b. John Welsh of Ayr, Scots Reformer
Mary Queen of Scots flees to England, arrested by Elizabeth I
1569 Pope excommunicates Elizabeth I
1571 b. Puritan Henry Ainsworth
1577 b. Richard Sibbes Puritan
1592 [24] Enters Christ's College, Cambridge

1593 d. Henry Barrowe, John Greenwood, John Penry, Puritans and separatists
1595 [27] Graduates BA
1598 [30] Graduates MA, first edition of works (?)

Edict of Nantes passed in France guaranteeing protestant rights
1599 b. Oliver Cromwell
1601 [33] Marriage and birth of Cananuel. Translates Latin poet Terence
19 Jun Becomes vicar at Worksop, Notts
1602 [34] 18 Oct Baptism of Besekiell
Large Catechism first published
1603 James I becomes King, Arminius takes up his non-predestination position
1604 Puritans meet James at Hampton Court. Hopes dashed
1605 [37] 9 Apr Deprived of his living in Worksop
30 Apr Baptism of Hosell
1606 Forms separatist congregation in Worksop
1607 [39] Returns to original charge at Worksop
June Faithful Shepherd first published. Also an edition of his works.
27 Sep Baptism of Masachiell
1608 [40] Book against separatism published
‘Presented’ for refusing to use the sign of the cross in baptism
1609 [41] An expanded edition of Faithful Shepherd appears
The sinners safety published
24 Sep Baptism of daughter Mary
d. Jacobus Arminius

1610 [42] Contemplative Pictures published and a pro-Anglican book
Arminians issue Remonstrance containing 5 articles
1611 Again ‘presented’ for refusing to use the sign of the cross in baptism
King James Bible first published
1612 [44] Moves to Somerset

Josuahs Godly Resolution (on household duties) first published
1613 [45] Book on catechising and maintaining the minister published
1614 [46] Complete works published
1615 b. Puritan Richard Baxter
1616 [48] Davids Musick (Psalms 1-3), A Staffe of Comforth to Stay the Weake published and A Weekes Worke, And A Worke For Every Weeke first published
b. Puritan John Owen
1617 [49] Commentary on Revelation published
1618 Book of Sports published. Contradicts Puritan view of the Sabbath. Forced to read it
Synod of Dort called in the Netherlands to answer the Arminians
1619 [51] Work against popery published
1620 Plymouth, Massachusetts colony founded by Puritans
1621 [53] The Good Mans Grace. Or His Stay In All Distresse and The Seaven Golden Candlestickes published
1623 [55] Looke Beyond Luther first published
b. Blaise Pascal, philosopher b. Francis Turretin, theologian
1624 [56] Son Cananuel becomes rector of Pitney, Somerset

1625 [57] Son Cananuel becomes vicar of Huish Episcopi, Somerset
Charles I becomes King. Opposes Puritans
1626 [58] Rhemes Against Rome published

1627 [59] The Isle Of Man and book on witchcraft first published
1628 [60] Ruth's Recompense published
William Laud becomes Bishop of London and steps up oppression of Puritans
b. Puritan John Bunyan
1629 [61] 15 Dec daughter Mary marries Roger Williams in High Laver, Essex

The Bible Battles published
Complete works published
Charles I dismisses Parliament
1630 [62] Common Catechism with commentary first published
John Winthrop and many other Puritans emigrate to America
1631 [63] 11 Oct Birth of Beniemene who dies the next day
10 Dec Mary and Roger emigrate from Bristol to New England
Christian See To Thy Conscience published
1632 b. John Locke, founder of empiricism
1633 [64] Birth of grandson John to Masachiell
Book of Sports is renewed
1634 [65] October Cited for his nonconformity
1635 [66] Birth of grandson Nathaniel to Masachiell
The Ready Way to Good Works published
1636 [67] 20 Mar Masachiell (tailor) emigrates from Weymouth to New England
Writes to church elders and magistrates in Massachusetts Bay Colony about their church practices and enfranchisement provisions
Harvard founded by Puritans
1637 [68] 27 Sep grand daughter Mary born in New England
1638 The National Covenant
1639 [69] 5 Apr grand daughter Sarah born in New England
1640 Works with John Talbott, Milton Abbas and Robert Walstead, Bloxworth, to circulate a petition against the etcetera oath
Charles I summons Parliament. They curtail his power
1641 [71] Anatomie of the Service Book, Short View of the prelatical C of E, The Article of Christs Descension into Hell and a book on the Sabbath published. Edition of Works published
31 March death at Batcombe, Somerset

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