Faithful Shepherd 6A
The text read, the teacher is to resolve his Scripture, to lay it open to the hearers.
1. The author of the words.
2. The occasion thereof.
3. If a particular portion of Scripture or some chapter or verse of chapter then observe the coherence with that which goes before or follows after.
4. The scope or principal intention of the Holy Ghost in that place. From this scope the principal proposition arises – called by rhetoricians, the state and by lawyers the issue.
Of dividing a text and the benefit from it
It is a hard thing to find the state of a whole book and to reduce it to one sentence or proposition because it is made up of different kinds. It is more easy with parts of a book or with a portion of Scripture.
On the division of books and chapters it is not my purpose to speak because helps enough are to be had for this and are so common in all men's labours and commentaries that it is a needless labour to give any precepts herein.
I therefore here intend to speak of particular Scriptures, one or two verses for a text, and of the division, interpretation and gathering teachings out of them only. Some verses contain evident doctrines or propositions, such as Pr 29:18, Jn 3:36. There note the quality of it – general or special, affirmative or negative, necessary or contingent; the parts, the antecedent and consequent. Where such evident propositions be not found, first look out a totum, what in general to name it – such as a narration, a doctrine teaching something, an exhortation to do or a dehortation to desist; a command, a promise; a threat or rebuke; petition, wish, vow, curse; profession, declaration, a salutation, a counsel, comfort, prediction, praise, thanksgiving, dispraise, admonition, question, answer, mock or taunt, definition, description, accusation, prohibition, accusation, prohibition, detestation, denial or affirmation, etc. Then gather the parts by circumstances even as the words lie in order, if it may be, for the better help of the lower sort.
To find what to call it, which term or name contains the scope of the word may be found out from other Scriptures. So Mt 28:19 is called a commandment by St Paul; Gn 17:4 St Paul calls a promise (Ro 4:20); Psalm 32:1 is interpreted by St Paul (Ro 4:6). Again, we may know how to call it by the sense of the place, even if we do not find it interpreted elsewhere or by other means. By the verb, as in Mt 9:10 a charge given, Ro 12:1 an exhortation, Lk 14:29, 30 a mocking, Ro 9:14 detestation noted by may there be which verb shows the Apostles' detestation of that blasphemy. By nouns – Da 4:24 it is a counsel. By adverbs – Ps 119:5 a wish. By conjunctions though, although, etc, are used as signs. Unless is often 'observe this objection' or 'but less' as in 2 Co 1:24. By interjections, as in Ps 120:5 a complaint. In one verse there may be two or three generals, as in Gn 32:30, the first part a narration, the latter a thanksgiving. Whereupon in such cases according as the text will afford a general division it must first be made into diverse totums and each of them after into their branches by circumstances, as for example Ezekiel 18:30 (Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways, saith the Lord GOD. Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall not be your ruin).
1. These words are by the prophet Ezekiel, whom the Lord raised up so as to comfort the godly and to show the wicked their sins and punishment for the same.
2. The wicked Jews had blasphemously accused the Lord of injustice and murmured against his chastisements.
3. This the prophet reproves them for and confutes their error and shows that God's ways are equal and just and theirs unjust and that not he but they are the cause of his judgements on them, which are justly inflicted.
4. Whereupon in these words the prophet concludes that for these their speeches they deserve punishment and should be punished unless they repented.
5. The verse contains three generals or totums and therefore must first be observed
1. A threatening of judgement
2. An exhortation
3. A promise, which both the sense and the verbs (I will judge, return, shall not be) do point out to us. Now if men please, they may by circumstances divide these into several parts, everyone again, and as the words lie in order – as thus
1. The cause, in therefore.
2. What is threatened, judgement.
3. Who in general, the house of Israel and more particularly everyone.
4. The manner of judgement, justly according to his ways.
5. The person threatening, the Lord.
Labels: Faithful Shepherd
Contemporaries 5
Most of the following information is derived from Stephen Wright in the ONDB
Richard Alleine (1611–1681)
Already, before the civil war, Alleine had assisted his aged father in pastoral duties. One writer speaks of him stirring 'the entire county by his burning eloquence'. In 1642 Alleine senior presented his son to the rectory of Batcombe, not far from Ditcheat. Alleine junior was reported to have been ‘a zealous person for the blessed cause then driving on’. According to Calamy, at his induction service a friend from London took offence at ‘a very fair crucifix’ in the church and ‘most maliciously threw a stone at it and broke it’ as Richard, ‘a great precisian’ and younger brother William Alleine (1614-1677), saintly vicar of Blandford in Dorset from 1653, looked on with approval.
During the civil wars, according to Anthony Wood, Alleine was ‘a preacher up of sedition, a zealous covenanter’. He certainly supported the Solemn League and Covenant of 1643 and in 1648 signed the presbyterian-inspired Attestation of the Ministers of Somerset. In 1654 he was an assistant to the commission for the approval of parish ministers in Somerset. He is reported to have had great difficulties extracting tithes from many at Batcombe in the early 1650s.
After his ejection he lived in Batcombe, issuing a defence of presbyterian ordination in 1661. The Five Mile Act forced him to move to Frome Selwood but he seems not to have been otherwise much constrained by the Clarendon code. In 1669 he was reported to be preaching in his house at Frome and at Batcombe, Beckington and elsewhere in Somerset and into neighbouring Wiltshire and Dorset. He received several fines but they were paid by Thomas Moore, MP for Heytesbury, Wilts. Such was Alleine's grave and pious reputation that magistrates hesitated to put him in prison for fear of the outcry that might result.
His Vindiciae pietatis, or A Vindication of Godliness, first published 1663, went through several editions despite not being licensed. According to Calamy copies were ‘greedily bought up and read by sober people’, proving so saleable that king's bookseller Roger Norton had a large number seized and instead of having them destroyed bought them up 'for an old song' and had them bound and on sale in his shop. Complaints were made and he was forced 'to beg pardon upon his knees at the council table, and send them back to the King's kitchen to be' rubbed over with an inky brush (or 'bisked') then used in the Royal kitchen for lighting fires. Such 'bisked' editions occasionally turn up today.
Alleine corresponded with Richard Baxter in 1671 and in April, 1672, was licensed to preach as a Presbyterian at Beckington. He is said to have continued to preach at the house of Robert Smith in Frome until his death in December, 1681. He was buried at the Frome church, where Anglican vicar, Richard Jenkins, delivered a respectful sermon in his memory.
Labels: Biography, Contemporaries, Richard Alleine
Faithful Shepherd 5B
The text must be out of the canon of Scripture
For the text, it must be canonical Scripture. The minister is God’s mouth. He must then speak God’s word, not only taking it for his text but making sure all his words agree to the written truth, above which he may not presume.
The prophets came with the word of the Lord (Je 23;28; 1 Pe 4:11; 1 Co 4:6); our Saviour uttered only the word of his Father and as his Father spoke to him (Jn 7:16, 8:26, 12:50; Ac 26:22). His text was the canon of Scripture (Lk 4:16, 17). He interpreted Scripture (Lk 24). St Paul taught nothing but Scripture. It alone binds conscience. It is absolutely perfect. It converts and makes perfect (Ps 19:7; He 4;12; 1 Ti 3:16). Men’s precepts are no rule in religion. Will and affection is too base to rule and to command reason, and reason too swayed by man’s wisdom is too carnal for religion. (Ro 8:7). Ezra’s text was Scripture (Neh 8), Christ’s out of Isaiah (29:13); the Levites’ was the law (2 Ch 17:9). Everyone spoke out of the Book of God and so it continued until popish prelates invented lying legends to beguile the people. They are such as God gives over to believe lies because they did not keep or receive a love of the truth and so remain to this day even their best teachers, by God’s just judgement.
What kind of text
In the past some have preached without a text, but it is not now the custom of the church, which ordinarily must be observed. Nor is that other way so useful for increasing knowledge of the Scripture, nor to cause reverence for that which is spoken, people not seeing where it is grounded. Secondly, it must a text to beget faith, to ground hope and to settle love. We must choose such places as plainly afford us these things, to teach them regularly as the apostle exhorts.
Obscure Scriptures about which controversial questions must necessarily arise leave to the schools and do not handle them among the common people and the ordinary sort. Common assemblies are not suitable either to hear or to judge controversies. Yet it is the fault of many preachers, who commonly use every sermon to raise one point or another that is disputed. They they spend most of their time on it, often without just reason or necessary cause. The fruit of these men’s labours is their hearers contentiousness, talk about words, quibbles and vain ostentation - but not faith working by love and holy sanctification.
It must be a fit text
Thirdly, the text must be for the hearers. If St Paul preach before a heathen Felix, intemperate and unjust, his words shall sound out temperance, righteousness and judgement so that Felix may hear and tremble. Christ Jesus will preach before scribes and Pharisees against false interpretation of Scripture, human traditions and hypocrisy.
This choice of fit text commends the minister’s wisdom in teaching; his faithfulness to perform his office without fear and his care to do good. It will prevent cavils when things are reproved, which the text plainly affords. On the contrary, an inappropriate text shows that the preacher lacks judgement, either to choose his text or to know his audience or both. Otherwise it is that he has but some favourite sermons that must serve his turn alike upon all occasions in any place or that he is fearful and dare not take a text to touch them, especially men of consequence, whom he would rather please by his preaching, to advantage himself and so loathe is such a one to offend. It is the fault of too many in these days - men-pleasers, not the servants of Christ.
This is the reason why many weigh every word, as in a balance, for weight and tunable measure, for fine pronunciation to delight the ear, more for a plaudit than to convince conscience or to remove impiety. They glance at sin sometimes but fair and far off for fear of hitting. They are much in controversies, by which they least displease men who lead sinful lives, who willingly listen to anything except about their sins and reformation of life. These be preachers full of discretion but of little religion and lacking a true and hearty desire to bring men to salvation.
Here then we see that a preacher must have knowledge of his audience, to fit his text to them, considering where they be and what kind of persons - public or private, ecclesiastical or of the body politic, superstitious or religious, of holy life or profane, peaceable or persecutors, zealous or lukewarm, constant or backsliders, of sound judgement or wandering from the truth, either ignorantly or out of obstinacy.
The place must be also considered - a city or a town, a popular place or a last resort. Also, if the meeting be not an ordinary one, he must note the occasion, the purpose and timing - whether in happiness or in sorrow, to rejoice or lament, in time of prosperity or adversity - and so frame his speech.
How to be always ready to speak
Therefore it is also requisite that he be a man experienced in the Word and one who has in reading Scripture gathered together a variety of portions on a variety of subjects and has them ready noted in some little paper book and studies at times to be more ready to speak on them as occasion shall require. If a man wants to know how to speak well at any time, in any place, to all sorts of unknown people, he must take general Scriptures which may rightly concern all and cannot be spoken to any without making an impact, such as these - Ec 12:13, Jas 1:27, 2 Co 1:5, 10, Ju 14, Jn 3:16 or 36, Ac 18:26, etc.
Labels: Faithful Shepherd
Faithful Shepherd 5A
Praise finished, he may either stand up or sit down, as the order of the Church is, it is indifferent. The Doctors in Jerusalem, it seems, sat. Our Saviour Christ sat (Mt 13:2; 5:1) but the Apostles stood up (Ac 3:16).
When to use a preface
It is not necessary ever to use a preface but men may if they please. It is sometimes convenient upon unusual occasions in more solemn assemblies, when one speaks to an unknown audience or to a congregation not ones own for the first time or in taking charge of a flock. He may begin as he thinks appropriate to stir up the audience to attention.
Where to get it
From the purpose of their coming, the material in hand being profitable and necessary; from a consideration of God's presence; from the professed Religion, their coming at that presence, the hope given from their former endeavours and the gifts of God in them; from some examples of good hearers; the commendation of hearing and commandment to do it in Scripture; from some sentence of Scripture, containing the drift of the sermon to be delivered; from what he thinks appropriate and as he is able.
Of giving of titles, beware of flattery
Our Saviour used a preface before his sermon (Lk 4:20, 21), so did the prophets before him (Ez 1, 2) and the Apostles after him sometimes (Ac 2:14, 10:34, 13:16). We may also use reverend titles and loving appellations, such as saying 'Men and Brethren, Fathers; you that fear God'. Yea, Luke can write 'Most noble Theophilus' and St Paul can say 'Most Noble Festus'. If in this we give what is due as we know and are Christianly persuaded, we offend not. But yet let us not be in this too much or many, nor often, nor go too far. Keep a wise moderation of the tongue, in what we may easily let slip and in heart beware of flattery. It were better to come a little short on the right hand in this (Jo 31:21, 22) than go too far on the left. Flattery is pernicious everywhere but chiefly a pestilent thing in the pulpit, where the very appearance must be forborne, which we will easily do before the basest but many can hardly do before princes, nobles and their bountiful patrons especially those that preach for praise or to to get a benefice, of which sort there are too many.
Of the text of Scripture
After the preface, declare with an audible voice what portion of Scripture is the text you will treat, whether a book or a chapter or some one or more verses in a chapter (Ne 8:8) and read the same once from the book. And if it be but a short text pronounce it again without the book, distinctly both times. If it be long, read it but once and utter only some part of the beginning again, with a 'and so forth'.
Read the text out of the best commonly approved translation and do not be a controller of it
Read it in the translation to ordinary people and in that which is most commonly received and best approved, and just as it is set down there, without addition, detraction or change of anything therein. It is not fit that everyone be a public controller of a publicly received translation. As it may argue some presumption or pride in the Corrector, so it may breed contention and leave a great scruple and cast doubts into the hearers minds, what reckoning to make of a translation. It also gives great advantage to the Papists who hereby labour to forestall many, so that they think little of translations, which we see can never be so well done and generally approved but some particular persons will be censuring the same, and that not only in private (a thing happily tolerable if the censure be true and wisely proceeded in) but also they must needs show their skill in pulpits. It may seem that such hold it an excellent thing to wag the finger and show off what they know and their opinions, as Persius says to the vain ones, Is your knowledge of no value, unless another know that you possess that knowledge? It is very necessary that the translation be most sound. But it is not expedient that public proclamation always be made of some small defects that by much investigation may fairly be noted in it by every ordinary person but only such faults as need noting, and that by learned men too.
With an ordinary audience we must use only our mother tongue
As the text must be read in the mother tongue, so here to speak a little briefly of it by the way, must the whole sermon before a common assembly, according to the prophets practice, the use of our Saviour, the reasons of St Paul, the custom of the Apostles and as the Primitive Fathers, the Greek and Latin Doctors of the church would do, as their extant sermons declare, without intermixing long sentences in strange languages not understood and different from their native speech.
A foreign tongue hinders the understanding of most hearers (except if it is used rarely, appropriately and briefly) they being ignorant of it and how it relates to what was before spoken or to that which follows after. Unless it is used with discretion, it is hiding from them what we profess rather than teaching them and an unprofitable misspending of time. First, there is no need to utter it, perhaps in Greek, then in Latin and after in English - a treble or a double labour for one. It may be one, two, three or some few more understand a little the languages but all the others do not. Must we therefore, pleasing ourselves, seek to delight the few, to win a little empty praise for our learning, while all the rest stand at a gaze, admiring what is said without edification? We that stand up in Christ's place must not seek our own commendation. There we must paint out the truth lively and plainly, proving ourselves faithful dispensers of God's secrets to the conscience of every believer, doing everything to the utmost of our power. Nevertheless, necessity constraining, such as sometimes to declare the emphasis of a word, often signifying more in the original than in the translation or to note some special phrases to convince someone proudly conceited about his knowledge or in a learned audience, I doubt not of a freedom in this.
Labels: Faithful Shepherd
Faithful Shepherd 4
Labels: Faithful Shepherd
Faithful Shepherd 3B
3. Taught but unsanctified
4. A believing and conscientious people
5. Backsliding
6. A mixed congregation
It is not good to preach without preparationIn performing your office always be very keen to speak but do not attempt to discharge your public duties without preparation. The person best able to think on his feet, the one with the finest memory for recall or with the most voluble tongue for utterance (excellent gifts but much abused due to idleness and the pursuit of vain glory) may not exempt a man from studying, reading, writing and for some time meditating and being continual in prayer. Indeed men of God with extraordinary gifts in the past were diligent searchers. The Saviour and chief prophet exhorts the teachers in Jerusalem in this way (Jn 5). Paul binds Timothy to it (1 Ti 4:13). Peter plainly shows it to be the practice of the prophets (1 Pe 1:10). It seems that Jeremiah read the Psalms (Je 10, Ps 79:6), Daniel perused Jeremiah (Da 9:2). It is certain that Paul had his books and parchments, not to write in but to read from, if Calvin may be believed. Peter we may see looked into Paul’s letters (2 Pe 3:16).
The emptiness of preaching extemporeIt does not fit the weightiness of the work or the reverence of the place to run suddenly to stand up in the place of God. A rash attempt in such high mysteries simply breeds contempt. A man who desires to show off his extemporary faculty shows his indiscretion and folly. Who that is wise will speak before princes or princely peers of princes’ affairs openly with lightness and suddenly of matters on great importance? Who will, who respects the Lord, give the sentence of life and death rashly? The minister in Christ’s chair speaks of Christ, before God and his angels. The matter is the secrets of the kingdom. The precious treasures of heaven are opened by him and set to sail. He is setting before his hearers life and death, heaven and hell, and is pronouncing the sentence of salvation or damnation on them.
Labels: Faithful Shepherd
Contemporaries 3
In 1586 Isabel had a Katherine Wright, who was believed to be possessed by a demon, taken to her house at Walton, near Chesterfield, for godly ministers to treat her. Eventually John Darrell (c1562-c1607), who later enjoyed a spectacular, if short-lived, career as an exorcist, was credited with curing Wright. He later sent Isabel his own account of his successful exorcisms and she no doubt introduced him to the circle of Puritans led by Arthur Hildersham, centring on Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Darrell moved to Ashby and these Puritans became his staunch supporters.
According to the ODNB Isabel and her second husband Sir William Bowes were angered by opposition to the millenary petition for church reform made when James I came to power. They expressed their views in a letter to the Earl of Shrewsbury of 17 December, 1603. Paying what was then an unusual tribute to female skills in matters theological, Sir William wrote that he had consulted with his wife before writing as ‘she is verie wise, especiallie in thinges of this kind’. He passed on his wife's detailed criticisms of the University of Oxford's disparaging answer to the millenary petition and Isabel added her own postscript, comparing the Answer to Rabshakeh's ultimatum to Hezekiah (2 Kings 18) - 'railing Rabshakeh’ was a stock figure for a blasphemer in literature of the time. She also prayed that God would turn the king's heart and lead him to favour the petition. Shrewsbury replied to Lady Bowes that ‘your indiscrete comparison bewrayes the weaknes of your womanhode, thoughe much disagreeing from the modestie of your sex’. He went on, invoking the example of Eve, to warn Sir William against following his wife's counsel and bewailed the influence Puritan ministers had on ‘simple women’.
It was at Isabel's Coventry home that Bernard later met in conference with Hildersham, Smyth, William Brewster, John Dod, Thomas Helwys, John Robinson and others in 1606 to discuss conditions in the Church of England. At this conference Smyth and Helwys argued against the Church of England and in favour of separation from it. Their position was rejected by the majority but at this point Bernard seems still to have been favourable. Eventually he decisively rejected separatism and vehemently attacked separatists. Perhaps Isabel was still sympathetic at this point too. In 1611 Helwys dedicated an anti-predestinarian work, A Short and Plaine Proofe, to her, voicing his gratitude for past support and hoping God would reveal to her the truth of his arguments.
There is no evidence that Isabel gave Helwys any further support but she continued to be generous to Puritan ministers, particularly where they had lost their livings for nonconformity. Among those who benefited from her patronage were Paul Baynes (1560-1617) and Richard Rothwell (b 1563). She was the sponsor of Rothwell's successful ministry in Durham and paid his salary of £40 a year.
Isabel was first married to Godfrey Foljambe (1558–1595), a Derbyshire JP and MP. Four years after his death, she became, in 1599, the second wife of Sir William Bowes of Bradley Hall (c 1575-1611), a Durham gentleman who, during Elizabeth's reign, held several important offices in the north of England and served on embassies to Scotland. Sir William died in 1611 and on 7 May 1617, Isabel married her third husband, John Darcy, third Lord of Aston (1579-1635). She was his second wife. She herself died on 12 February, 1622, at her house in Aldwark, near Rotherham, Yorkshire and was buried in nearby Rawmarsh.
Labels: Biography, Contemporaries, Frances Wray, Isabel Wray
Faithful Shepherd 3A
Of the Minister’s wise and godly proceeding in his pastoral charge to teach his people
A Minister must feed his flock
1. Ignorant and unteachable
2. Ignorant and teachable
Labels: Faithful Shepherd
Bernard Family Tree
Richard Bernard (11 Apr 1568-1641 Mar) Married ?
1. Cananuel (born 1601)
4. Masakiell (baptised 27 Sep 1607)
John (1633) Nathaniel (1635)
Mary (27 Sep 1637) Sarah (5 Apr 1639)
5. Mary (baptised 24 Sep 1609-died c1683 Providence, RI)
Married (15 Dec 1629, High Laver Church, Essex, England)
Roger Williams (born London c1599-died 1683 Providence, RI)
10 Dec 1631 emigrated to New England , from Bristol on Lyon
Labels: Biography
A Timeline
1568 11 Apr Born Epworth, Lincolnshire
30 Apr Baptised at Epworth
b. John Welsh of Ayr, Scots Reformer
Mary Queen of Scots flees to England, arrested by Elizabeth I
1569 Pope excommunicates Elizabeth I
1571 b. Puritan Henry Ainsworth
1577 b. Richard Sibbes Puritan
1592 [24] Enters Christ's College, Cambridge
1593 d. Henry Barrowe, John Greenwood, John Penry, Puritans and separatists
1595 [27] Graduates BA
1598 [30] Graduates MA, first edition of works (?)
Edict of Nantes passed in France guaranteeing protestant rights
1599 b. Oliver Cromwell
1601 [33] Marriage and birth of Cananuel. Translates Latin poet Terence
19 Jun Becomes vicar at Worksop, Notts
1602 [34] 18 Oct Baptism of Besekiell
Large Catechism first published
1603 James I becomes King, Arminius takes up his non-predestination position
1604 Puritans meet James at Hampton Court. Hopes dashed
1605 [37] 9 Apr Deprived of his living in Worksop
30 Apr Baptism of Hosell
1606 Forms separatist congregation in Worksop
1607 [39] Returns to original charge at Worksop
June Faithful Shepherd first published. Also an edition of his works.
27 Sep Baptism of Masachiell
1608 [40] Book against separatism published
‘Presented’ for refusing to use the sign of the cross in baptism
1609 [41] An expanded edition of Faithful Shepherd appears
The sinners safety published
24 Sep Baptism of daughter Mary
d. Jacobus Arminius
1612 [44] Moves to Somerset
Josuahs Godly Resolution (on household duties) first published
1613 [45] Book on catechising and maintaining the minister published
1614 [46] Complete works published
b. Puritan John Owen
1618 Book of Sports published. Contradicts Puritan view of the Sabbath. Forced to read it
1620 Plymouth, Massachusetts colony founded by Puritans
1624 [56] Son Cananuel becomes rector of Pitney, Somerset
1625 [57] Son Cananuel becomes vicar of Huish Episcopi, Somerset
1626 [58] Rhemes Against Rome published
1627 [59] The Isle Of Man and book on witchcraft first published
1628 [60] Ruth's Recompense published
b. Puritan John Bunyan
1629 [61] 15 Dec daughter Mary marries Roger Williams in High Laver, Essex
The Bible Battles published
Complete works published
Charles I dismisses Parliament
1630 [62] Common Catechism with commentary first published
John Winthrop and many other Puritans emigrate to America
10 Dec Mary and Roger emigrate from Bristol to New England
Christian See To Thy Conscience published
1632 b. John Locke, founder of empiricism
1634 [65] October Cited for his nonconformity
1635 [66] Birth of grandson Nathaniel to Masachiell
The Ready Way to Good Works published
1636 [67] 20 Mar Masachiell (tailor) emigrates from Weymouth to New England
Writes to church elders and magistrates in Massachusetts Bay Colony about their church practices and enfranchisement provisions
Harvard founded by Puritans
1637 [68] 27 Sep grand daughter Mary born in New England
1638 The National Covenant
1640 Works with John Talbott, Milton Abbas and Robert Walstead, Bloxworth, to circulate a petition against the etcetera oath
Charles I summons Parliament. They curtail his power
31 March death at Batcombe, Somerset
Labels: Biography
Faithful Shepherd 2
We see that it is no disgrace for anyone to be a minister of the gospel. It is a calling worthy of any qualified in the excellent manner. However not everyone is worthy of it or suitable for it but only such as are called and sent by God, being provided with gifts to some extent and so able to discharge the office of a teacher and stirred up with a godly affection to want the office.
A minister must be called by God and sent by the Church. Thus being sent by God, the church, or they to whom the authority of the church is committed, must conduct an examination. They must test you and approve you by discovering whether you have been equipped with such gifts as are necessary for a minister. They must then call and institute one lawfully presented to a pastoral charge to take care over the flock. We may not take it on us before we are called. If any run before the Lord call, as many do for profit, ease and honour, they may condemn themselves by haste and go without expectation of good speed (Lk 24, Ac 1). God appoints only those he prepares beforehand, giving them gifts to perform their duty. Jerome says that if a priest is ignorant of the Law of the Lord then he is shown not to be priest of the Lord, after all. In the same way, an unfit man who is ignorant and vain may be man’s minister but he is not Christ’s messenger.
Motives to the Ministry
The Minister’s gifts must fit his place
Labels: Faithful Shepherd
Faithful Shepherd 1B
It must be understood of good bishops and priests, of course. He says that there is nothing in this world as unwholesome as impious bishops and priests, as the papists are. Their God is their belly, they glory in flattering themselves about their ability, honour and the idle talk they busy themselves with. Their understanding is earthbound. They are greedy and determined to listen only to their own grasping words. They are like creatures who are very experienced in finding pleasure in the places where they daily dabble. They have a rapine spirit at work in them. They combine their benefits and honour with insatiable lust. For them murkiest darkness is eternally reserved.But for such as are faithful a crown of glory is reserved. By saving souls they shall shine in heaven like the stars for ever and ever. We thus see the necessity of this calling, its honourable nature and how highly it is magnified by God himself and good men. There is no reason why among us who are called Christians, it should be thought of as such a contemptible calling when the very heathen, who never knew the true God, revered it so much. It is recorded that among the Athenians no king was created before he had taken orders and was made a priest. The Egyptians are said to choose their priests from philosophers and their kings from priests.
Labels: Faithful Shepherd
Faithful Shepherd 1A
F the necessity and excellence of the ministry and the word preached When the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God in his wisdom (1 Co 1:25) to appoint what the world considers a weak means to save his elect - the foolishness of preaching. This is how God usually shows his power to save all who will be saved. From the beginning, preaching and prophesying have been the way.
Labels: Faithful Shepherd
Contemporaries 2
OME time in the summer of 1612 Bernard left Nottinghamshire and headed south to Somerset. It was Bishop James Montague, whom he had known at Cambridge, who gave him a licence to preach in the diocese of Bath and Wells but it was Dr Philip Bisse, Archdeacon of Taunton, who 'purchased the advowson of Batcombe for one turn' and presented the living to Bernard in November 1613. (Technically it involved John Bernard, Bernard's father or brother and James Bisse, brother to Philip). Bernard remained as rector for the rest of his days.
Bisse was a fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, 1561-1565, when presumably he married. He became a docotr of divinity in 1580. At his death in 1613 he left his library of about 2,000 (1,849 to be exact and worth £1200) mostly theological books to newly founded Wadham College, Oxford, where they can still be seen. This was one of the largest private libraries of the time.
Labels: Biography, Contemporaries, Philip Bisse
Toplady Extract
An extract from The Works of Augustus Montague Toplady (1740-1778) Vol IV, pp 313, 314
The above work, in all probability, suggested to Mr. John Bunyan, the first idea of his “Pilgrim’s Progress” and of his “Holy War”. The former of these is, perhaps, the finest allegorical book extant, describing every stage of a believer’s experience, from conversion to glorification, in the most artless simplicity of language, yet peculiarly rich with spiritual unction, and glowing with the most vivid, just, and well conducted machinery throughout; it is, in short, a master piece of piety and genius; and will, I doubt not be of standing use to the people of God so long as the sun and moon endure. It has been affirmed, and I believe the truth, that no book in the English tongue has gone through so many editions, the Bible and Common Prayer alone excepted.
Labels: A M Toplady, Isle of Man, John Bunyan
Faithful Shepherd Contents
ONTENTS of the first edition of The Faithful Shepherd
Chapter 1
Of the necessity and excellence of the ministry and the word preached
Chapter 2
Of the lawful entrance of a minister into the ministry and also into his charge and place
Chapter 3
Of the minister’s wise and godly proceeding in his pastoral charge to teach his people
Chapter 4
Of Prayer before the Sermon
Chapter 5
Of the preface after the prayer and of the text of the Scripture
Chapter 6
Of the analysis and resolution of the text
Chapter 7
Of the annotations ('scholies') and interpretation of the words
Chapter 8
Of gathering doctrines from the text
Chapter 9
Of the making use of the doctrine, showing what to do with it
Chapter 10
Of application of the uses to the hearers
Chapter 11
Of prevention of objections
Chapter 12
Of the conclusion of the whole Sermon
Chapter 13
Of such things which are required of a Minister to perform the whole work
Labels: Faithful Shepherd
Contemporaries 1
Refusing as a young man to conform, Bernard was deprived of his living in Worksop, Nottinghamshire, and in 1604 went to Gainsborough, where he spent time with William Brewster and John Robinson. For about 3 years Bernard was an avid separatist. Unlike Brewster he soon reverted to Anglicanism.
Brewster grew up in Scrooby, Nottinghamshire but in 1620, like Robinson, he sailed on the famous Mayflower for the famous Plymouth Colony, New England, where he became a leader. He went to America with his wife Mary and two of his sons.
Scrooby Manor was in the possession of the Archbishops of York and was occupied by Brewster's parents, William and Prudence. William was estate bailiff for the archbishop for 31 years, from about 1580. With the job went that of postmaster, an important position that involved providing stagehorses for the mails. Scrooby was on the Great North Road.
Cambridge was a centre for reformed religion but it was in the Netherlands that Brewster had opportunity to hear and see more of it. Following Davidson's disgrace, he returned to Scrooby and from 1590 (until 1607) he held the position of postmaster. By this time Brewster's brother James, vicar of the parish of Sutton and Lound, Nottinghamshire, was a rather rebellious Anglican priest. From 1594, it fell to him to appoint curates to Scrooby church. The brothers were soon brought, with other leading members of the Scrooby congregation, before an ecclesiastical court for dissent. They were set on a path of separation from the Anglican Church. From about 1602, Scrooby Manor, Brewster's home, became a meeting place for dissenting Puritans and in 1606, they formed the Separatist Church of Scrooby.
Restrictions and pressures applied by the authorities convinced the congregation of the need to emigrate to the more sympathetic climate of Holland but to leave without permission was illegal so things were complex. On its first attempt, in 1607, the group was arrested at Scotia Creek but Brewster and others were able to escape along the Humber the following year. In 1609 Brewster was made ruling elder of the congregation.
In Leiden the group managed to make a living. Brewster taught English and later printed and published religious books for sale in England, though they were proscribed. In 1619 the printing type was seized by the authorities under pressure from the English ambassador and Brewster's partner was arrested. Brewster escaped and, with the help of Robert Cushman, obtained a land patent from the London Virginia Company on behalf of himself and his colleagues.
In 1620 he headed for America. There he served both as a church leader and as an advisor to Governor William Bradford. As the only university educated member of the colony, Brewster acted as pastor until Ralph Smith's arrival in 1629. Thereafter, he continued to preach until his death in April 1644.
Labels: Biography, Contemporaries, William Brewster
English Works by Richard Bernard
BERNARD produced around 30 works in English in his life time and they are listed here. His interests are chiefly pastoral.
2. The Faithfull Shepheard The Shepheards Faithfulnesse: Wherein Is For The Matter Largely, But For The the maner, in few words, set forth the excellencie and necessitie of the ministerie; a ministers properties and dutie; his entrance into this function and charge; etc 1607 (see below)
3. A double catechisme one more large following the order of the common authorized catechisme, and an exposition thereof: now this second time published: the other shorter for the weaker sort: both set forth for the benefit of Christian friends and wel-willers. 1607.
5. The Sinners Safetie, If Heere Hee Looke For Assurance 1609
6. The Faithfull Shepheard Amended And Enlarged: With The Shepeards Practise In Preaching Annexed Thereto 1609 (see below)
7. Contemplative Pictures With Wholesome Precepts. The First Part: Of God. Of The Diuell. Of Goodnesse. Of badnesse. Of heaven: of Hell. 1610
8. Plain evidences: The Church of England apostolical, the separation schismatical 1610
[Josuahs Godly Resolution In Conference With Caleb, Touching Houshold Gouernement For Well Ordering A Family: A two-fold catechisme: one short, the other more large; both for instruction. In the end, certaine rules, for guiding to a holy conversation. 1612 (Also 1629) - the same as previous catechisms?]
9. Two Twinnes: Or Two Parts Of One Portion Of Scripture. I. Is Of Catechising. II. Of The Ministers Maintenance 1613
10. Davids Musick: Or Psalmes Of That Royall Prophet, Once The Sweete Singer Of That Israel Unfolded Logically 1616
11. A Staffe of Comforth to Stay the Weake 1616
13. Key Of Knowledge For The Opening Of The Secret Mysteries Of St Johns Mysticall Revelation 1617
14. The Fabulous Foundation Of The Popedom: Or A Familiar Conference Between Two Friends to the truth Philalethes, and Orthologus 1619
15. The Good Mans Grace. Or His Stay In All Distresse 1621
[The faithfull shepeard wholy in a manner transposed, and made anew, and very much inlarged both with precepts and examples, to further young diuines in the studie of diuinitie With the sheperds practise in the end 1621]
18. The Isle Of Man, Or, The Legall Proceeding In Man-Shire Against Sinne Wherein, By Way Of A Continued allegorie, the chiefe malefactors disturbing both Church and Common-wealth, are detected, etc 1626 (Also 1627, 1628, 1629, 1630, 1640, 1632, 1634, 1635, 1648, 1658, 1659, 1668, 1674, 1677, 1683, 1719, 1778, etc.)
19. Rhemes Against Rome 1626
21. Ruth's Recompense, 1628
[The Common Catechisme With A Commentary Thereupon, By Questions And Answers, Following The Verie wordes, as they lie in their order without alteration and Good Christian, Looke to thy Creede 1630 (Also 1631, 1632, 1635, 1640)]
23. Christian See To Thy Conscience Or A Treatise Of The Nature, The Kinds And Manifold Differences Of Conscience 1631
24. The Ready Way to Good Works 1635
27. A Threefold Treatise Of The Sabbath Distinctly Divided Into The Patriarchall, Mosaicall, Christian Sabbath: for the better clearing and manifestation, etc 1641
28. The Bibles Abstract And Epitome The Capitall Heads, Examples, Sentences, And Precepts Of All The Principall matters in theologie: collected together for the most part alphabetically, etc (Pro Richardo Barnardo) 1642
29. An Epistle Directed To All Justices Of Peace In England And Wales 1642
30. Certaine Positions Seriously To Bee Considered Of Shewing The Danger Of Doing Any Thing In And About the worship of God that hath not warrant from his written word 1644
31. Thesaurus Biblicus, Seu, Promptuarium Sacrum Whereunto Are Added All The Marginal Readings With The words of the text, etc (with William Retchford) 1661 (Also 1664)
Labels: Bibliography, Publications, Works
The life of Richard Bernard 1568-1641
The son of John Bernard (1515-1592) and his third wife, Anne Wright, it appears that when a small boy, two prominent ladies (Isabel and Frances Wray) took notice of him and paid for his schooling. Like Puritans William Perkins and William Ames, he became a student at Christ’s College, Cambridge. This was in the 1590s (entrance 1592, BA 1595, MA 1598).
Labels: Biography